March 1, 2006

Hello from Ohio Amish Country.  I was sure glad to be able to type March 1 in there.  I don't know about you, but I am ready for spring, even though we really can't complain about the weather this year. 

Thanks to all of you who wrote to me and expressed their thoughts and  prayers for our daughter who had surgery on Feb. 8th.  I really appreciate it!  She is doing quite well, but as in all surgeries, just needs to take it easy for awhile and let her body heal.

I was able to check my email while I was in Illinois helping with the grandkids, so I was able to keep up with map, book, potholder and basket sales.  Let me know if I missed anyone!

Last time, I told you about the fire in downtown Berlin that destroyed Nature's Food Market and Java Joe's Coffee Shop.  I was talking to the owner of Nature's a couple days ago and they will be rebuilding in the same location.  Meanwhile, they have opened in a temporary location inside of The German Village Store.  That is located directly behind the Sol's Exchange stores so it isn't very far from the original location.  Just go into the grocery store main entrance and to the right you will find Nature's Food Market.  The owner, Mr. Clark is
very happy to be able to be back in business so soon.  Stop in and say hello next time you are in Berlin.

Things will soon start hopping around here as some of the businesses that close over the winter will be re-opening.  Will try to list them in the upcoming calendar section of Chit Chat.

By the way, welcome to all the new subscribers.  Seems like I have gotten quite a few new ones lately.  I have over 750 subscribers now!

Well, on with the March 1st issue......Enjoy and think Spring!

Carol Sechriest

Remember! I only publish once a month in January, February and March, unless of course,
I forget to tell you something or something comes up that I think you might be interested in!
So next regular issue will be April 1.

6th Annual Amish Country Quilt Show, March 22-25, 2006

It's too late to enter a quilt or wallhanging, but you can still go to the show or attend some of the many workshops.  This annual event is to be held at the Berlin Christian Fellowship and the Dutch Harvest Restaurant.  Both located, on CR 201, just 1 miles west of Berlin, just off US 62 & SR 39.

Besides the lectures and classes on the different types and methods of quilting, there is a class on rug hooking.  Too much to explain here, so if you are interested, call Gramma Fannie's Quilt Barn at 330-893-3232 and ask them to send you a flyer and registration form.

Oh, Dutch Harvest Restaurant has recently undergone a management change and will soon be called Troyer's Country Dining.  They will be doing some renovating, changing their menu, and doing some new landscaping, so look for that when you are in the area.  It sounds very exciting to me.


Speaking of quilts, mark your calendar for the Holmes County Home's Spring Festival and Quilt Auction, Saturday, May 13, 2006.  This is a huge event and helps support the Holmes County Home, so come if you can. (They sell all kinds of things, furniture, etc. not just quilts).

Chili Cook-Off in Berlin, Friday, March 17th, St. Patrick's Day

I don't have too much information on this other than it will be held in downtown Berlin on the square (where the music stand is).  So if you like chili and are in the area, be sure to stop by and cast your vote for the best chili in the county.

Mexican Food in Amish Country?

Why not?  Sometimes you just want something besides chicken and mashed potatoes! Mrs. Yoder's Kitchen is having an all you can eat Mexican Buffet on Friday, March 4th for just $8.95.   Mrs. Yoder's is located in the town of Mt. Hope just north of Millersburg on SR 241.
Another good Amish restaurant here in Ohio Amish Country.

Cooking Demonstrations

On Saturday, March 11, my sisters and niece are going to Grandma's Alpine Homestead to attend one of their cooking demonstrations.  Ann DeHass and daughter Lee Ann Miller, who both love to cook, put in a cooking studio (like you see on the cooking shows on TV) at Grandma's Alpine Homestead.  In fact, they have done a number of shows that have been televised for viewing Cleveland, Cincinnati and Wheeling, WV.  You can see the schedule on their website  Looks like they will featured on Channel 5 in Cleveland, on March 20th.

Cost is $25 per person, except 55 and older get in for $20.  Cost includes food samplings, followed by lunch.  Should be fun.  I'll let you know about it afterwards.  You will need a reservation, so contact them at (330) 359-5454 or email

Ann is the owner of Grandma's Homestead Restaurant in Charm, and daughter Lee Ann runs the Alpine Homestead in Wilmot.  Wilmot is located north of Winesburg on US 62.

The Amish - How They Survive

I get lots of emails and questions about the Amish, why they do what they do and live the way they do.  There are lots of books on the subject, a few of which I have on my website.  I have read a lot about the Amish even though I live right here among them.  Beverly Lewis and Wanda Brunstetter seem to be the favorite authors of novels about the Amish.

I just got in a copy of "To Train Up a Child" based on the "Amish way" of bringing up your children.  In fact, I took my one and only copy to Illinois and my daughter started reading it.  She said it was REALLY good, so I left it with her and she was going to share it with a friend.  So if you are interested or even just curious about how the Amish children are so well behaved, you might want to get a copy.  It's just $6.95 plus shipping and tax (Ohio).

The other thing I have now is the film, "The Amish - How They Survive".  This movie was recently filmed entirely in Holmes County Ohio and will give you some real insight as to how they live and how they have had to adapt to the 21st century, but remain true to their beliefs.
It comes in video or DVD formats and is on the same order page as above.  Or click on the link on the side bar of where it says Books, DVDs.

By they way, if you have trouble with PayPal, just call me at 330-674-2749.  You can send me a check since I don't take credit cards over the phone.

Calendar of Upcoming Events:
Let me know if you have questions about any of these events.

Chalet in the Valley Restaurant reopens March 1
Tack and MId-Ohio Carriage Sale, Mt. Hope Auction, March 7
Mid-Ohio Draft, Crossbred Sale, Mt. Hope, March 8
Mid-Ohio Draft Horse Sale, Mt. Hope, March 9-10
Standardbred Horse Sale, Mt. Hope Auction, March 11
Chili Cookoff, March 17th, downtown Berlin
Mid-Ohio Haflinger Sale, Mt. Hope Auction, March 17-18
6th Annual Amish Country Quilt Show, March 22-25, 2006,  Berlin
Exotic Animal Sale, Mt. Hope Auction, March 30-31
Opening Day at Holmes County Amish Flea Market, Walnut Creek, March 30

Re-opening of Yoder's Amish Home, Rolling Ridge Animal Ranch, Schrock's Amish Farm
and Victorian House Museum.

National Dandelion Cookoff at Dandelion Mayfest, May 6th, Breitenbach Wine Cellars
Antique Tractor Show at Lehman's in Kidron, May 13
Holmes County Kidney Fund Benefit Auction, May 27

On Going, yes, even in the winter!
Weekly Farmer's sales and flea markets: Monday & Friday, Sugarcreek; Tuesday at Farmerstown; Weds. at Mt. Hope, Thurs. at Kidron (these are always fun)

RECYCLE YOUR USED INKJET CARTRIDGES - we recycle them and send the
money to King World Missions in Zambia to help support King World School.   Thanks to the folks who have done this!  Send them to me at the address below.  PS.  These need to be
newly manufactured, NOT re-manufactured or already recycled.  HP, Lexmark, Cannon,  Apple, Compaq, and Xerox.  Thanks!
Recipe from Ohio Amish Country

Sicily's Cornmeal Bread

1/2 lukewarm water
3 T. honey
1 pkg. dry active yeast
2 T. oil
1/2 c. lukewarm milk
1 1/2 t. salt
2 c. all purpose flour
1/2 yellow cornmeal

Using a whisk, mix the water and 1 T. of honey.  Slowly incorporate the yeast.  Let stand 10 minutes until foamy.  Add oil, milk and rest of honey.  Stir in flour until smooth.  Add cornmeal and mix.

Transfer to a floured surface and knead for 10 minutes.  Place the dough in a large greased bowl, covering with a cloth.  Let rise until it doubles, in a warm, draft-free place, about 1 1/2 hours.  Punch down. Shape and place in a greased loaf pan.  Cover with a damp cloth, letting it rise until it doubles, in a warm, draft-free place - about 45 minutes.  Bake at 375 degrees for 35-45 minutes.

This recipe comes from Amish Cooking with Sicily Yoder  available on my website.
Sicily is quite the cook and even gives cooking demonstrations in schools and churches.  She
will soon be seen on Canadian TV on her own cooking show.

If you like this newsletter, why not tell a friend? I am getting lots of good feed back from some of my subscribers. Otherwise, feel free to unsubscribe by  sending me an email here.   I need to know the email address you used when you subscribed.  Thanks

Till next time!

Dutchland Marketing
Carol Sechriest
238 E Jackson St.
Millersburg, OH 44654

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Lone Star Quilt Shop
The Amish - How They Survive